Mineral Carbonation for Cement and Concrete

The 1st RILEM Association International Conference on Mineral Carbonation for Cement and Concrete, held on April 16th and 17th, 2024 in Aachen, Germany, was a resounding success!

Co-organized by Carbon4Minerals and the CO2TREAT project, the conference saw a full house with approximately 160 participants from research institutes, academia, and industry. The vibrant atmosphere buzzed with energy as attendees engaged in lively discussions, showcasing a remarkable interest in mineral carbonation.

From Carbon4Minerals, a diverse array of partners were present, including VITO, Heidelberg Materials, RWTH Aachen University, Carbon Upcycling, ETEX, ETH Zurich and Vandersanden. This allowed for further discussions on the project's work plan and fostered collaboration among our partners.

Presentations by different project partners, including VITO, RWTH, and HM, provided valuable insights. Our project coordinator, Liesbeth Horckmans from VITO, shared exciting preliminary results from the CO2TREAT project and introduced the innovative work underway in the Carbon4Minerals project.

Additionally, partners from Heidelberg Materials shared their experiences in applying CO2 sequestration technologies in the cement and concrete industry, highlighting advancements and real-world applications. This conference offered valuable insights into the mechanisms of the process, advancing understanding in this crucial field.

Stay tuned for more updates as Carbon4Minerals continues to pave the way for sustainable solutions in the construction industry!


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