Introducing Carbon Upcycling Technologies
Introducing Carbon4Minerals consortium member - Carbon Upcycling Technologies.
Carbon Upcycling Technologies (CUT) is a waste and carbon utilization company unlocking a new frontier of circular materials. CUT is tackling the biggest problems on the planet—carbon dioxide emissions and industrial waste. Applying their novel technology platform, CUT enables hard-to-decarbonize industry to transform local industrial byproducts and natural materials into superior additives.
CUT’s first massive market is concrete, the source of eight percent of global CO2 emissions and growing. Thier novel technology reduces the carbon footprint of cement, sequesters carbon, and improves concrete performance. CUT does this by opening up a new class of locally available, carbon-sequestering cement replacements. With Carbon Upcycling, cement producers can now create a superior product using local industrial byproducts and natural materials and reduce carbon dioxide emissions at the same time.
CUT was founded in 2014 in Canada and now has offices in Calgary, London and New York, USA.
Role in the project
In Carbon4Minerals, CUT’s role is to provide the consortium with low-carbon cement additive in the form of Supplementary Cementitious Materials (SCMs) through its patented MACE reactor in a novel pilot demonstration.
CUT will determine the chemistry and physical properties of the steel slag to determine the optimal process parameter and engineering design of the MACE reactor. From this study, CUT will build and integrate a MACE reactor onsite at the Arcelor Mittal steel plant to integrate steel slag and flue gas to create SCMs.