CARBON4MINERALS in Processcontrol media news

A media article “Carbon4Minerals; CO2 as a basis for building materials” was published on the processcontrol media website:

”The Carbon4Minerals research project is investigating whether CO2 can be used as a raw material for the production of high-quality building materials. The potential CO2 savings are enormous.

The Carbon4Minerals project looks at the possibilities of using CO2 as a raw material for the production of high-quality building materials. The research consortium consists of 14 partners from seven different countries. The project is testing a method in which eight different pilot plants will be set up to test the process in practice.

CO2-neutral building materials are generally considerably more expensive than building materials in which regular cement is used. However, the savings potential is huge. According to Carbon4Minerals, the potential CO2 savings are between 80 and 135%.”

Visit the original article here.


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