M6 Consortium Meeting

We are excited to share with you the highlights of the M6 Carbon4Minerals consortium meeting hosted by our esteemed partners from RWTH Aachen University, which took place on June 6-7, 2023, in the beautiful city of Aachen, Germany.

On the first day the consortium assembled at the Institute of Building Materials Research, setting the stage for two days of discussions, knowledge exchange, and collaborative planning. The meeting kicked off with a warm welcome from the consortium's coordinator and the gracious host from RWTH Aachen University.

The partners took the opportunity to present their work packages, providing insights into their respective contributions to the Carbon4Minerals project and outlining their plans for the future.

During the midday break, partners gathered for lunch, which provided an opportunity for informal networking and further exchange of ideas. The meeting concluded with an Exploitation workshop, focused on exploring strategies for maximizing the potential impact of the project's outcomes and considering potential future collaborations.

As the day drew to a close, the partners reassembled in the evening for a well-deserved dinner at a charming restaurant nestled in Aachen's vibrant city centre. The relaxed atmosphere provided an excellent opportunity for informal conversations and further strengthening of collaborative bonds.

The second day began with a Dissemination and Communication workshop. Recognizing the significance of effectively sharing project results with the wider community to enhance outreach efforts and raise awareness about the project.

Post-lunch, the RWTH Aachen University partners graciously offered a guided tour of their laboratory facilities. This immersive experience enabled participants to witness firsthand the cutting-edge research infrastructure and technological capabilities available at the institution. The meeting drew to a close with an internal session attended by the Work Package (WP) leaders, ensuring effective coordination among the partners.

The Carbon4Minerals consortium meeting in Aachen proved to be a productive gathering. The fruitful discussions, workshops, and collaborations have set the stage for the next phase of research and development, ensuring a brighter and more sustainable future!


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