Upcoming events

Our project partners are gearing up for two upcoming events that promise to showcase advancements in carbon-neutral construction materials and mineral carbonation.

1️⃣ RILEM Spring Convention 2024 (8-12 April 2024): Our partners at VITO, led by project coordinator Liesbeth Horckmans, will present an article on the innovative topic of Carbonatable clinker as a means towards more circular and CO2-neutral construction materials.

This paper, slated for submission to the convention and potential publication by SPRINGER, aligns with the convention's focus on advanced eco-friendly materials for a carbon-neutral society.

2️⃣1st RILEM International Conference on Mineral Carbonation (16-17 April 2024): Co-organized by Carbon4Minerals and the CO2-Treat project, this conference sponsored by RILEM will be held at RWTH Aachen University. It's set to be a dynamic platform for sharing groundbreaking insights into mineral carbonation for cementitious materials, marking another significant step forward in our journey toward sustainability.

Stay tuned for updates as our partners prepare to showcase our collective efforts in revolutionizing the construction industry.


Upcoming events


Newsletter #2